*   12th ARDF-Worldchampionship  Brno   11.9.2004   80-m-band  *
Contest:   	at 11.09.2004   from 9.30   in 80-m-band
Competitor:	W35=22 W50=16 M40=48 M50=44 M60=35 / Tln=165 +Hlp=165
Limit:     	150 min

S o l l i     O i v i n d LA1KP

has got   place 6   with runtime 75'08 min   and 5 foxes
of category M50

Sequence   S--5--3--1--4--6--Fi
Runtimes    16+13+17+13+13+03
Distance   >6680 m
min. distance M50   >6680 m  S-5-3-1-4-6-Fi
  Time Found within
fox transmit cycle
Total Rt
Start  12:00:00    0:00
Fox 5  12:15:43 +0'43 15'43
Fox 3  12:29:06 +1'06 29'06
Fox 1  12:46:23 +0'23 46'23
Fox 4  12:59:14 +0'14 59'14
Fox 6  13:12:11 +1'11 72'11
Finish  13:15:08   75'08

Fox-to-Fox runtimes
Fox >> FoxDistanceComp.Min. Rt (StNo)Average RtMax. RtOivind Solli
S >> 5 1130 m 107 10'32 (582) 20'15 60'31 15:43
5 >> 3 1360 m 80 8'32 (683) 16'16 35'44 13:23
3 >> 1 1480 m 31 12'01 (437) 24'48 62'24 17:17
1 >> 4 1620 m 31 10'08 (584) 19'41 47'14 12:51
4 >> 6 1110 m 76 6'57 (483) 12'47 21'19 12:57
6 >> Fi 0 m 158 1'46 (470) 2'26 7'08 2:57

The results of category M50
Pl Name Club Call Total Rt Fox  Sequence  Runtimes  Distance
4.  Mykola Velikanov  UKR   65'17 5  S-5-1-3-4-6-Fi  11+08+14+21+09+03  >6960 m
5.  Mojmir Sukenik  CZE  OK2UMO 66'36 5  S-5-3-1-4-6-Fi  15+09+17+13+09+02  >6680 m
6.  Oivind Solli  NOR  LA1KP 75'08 5  S-5-3-1-4-6-Fi  16+13+17+13+13+03  >6680 m
7.  Vladimir Litvinov  RUS   78'01 5  S-5-3-1-4-6-Fi  15+13+23+13+11+03  >6680 m
8.  Christian Dons  NOR  LA5OQ 79'00 5  S-5-1-3-4-6-Fi  15+11+17+22+12+02  >6960 m
